2009/9/18 Lindley Bowers <lindleybow...@gmail.com>:
> I spent a bit of time driving around Gatton the other day. There are
> some roads there now and because it was night, I didn't catch many
> street names.  This is the first town I've done from scratch so I
> don't know if I've done ok or done a royal mess. Anyway, I'm being
> bugged by the roundabouts which don't seem to cooperate for me in
> potlatch, josm nor Mercator. If someone would like to fix anything
> I've broken in Gatton including a few missing roundabouts that'd be
> great, especially as I'm away from home and my computer for a bit.
> If this is helpful, I might pop in a few more missing towns in my area
> as I come across them (can't always guarantee all street names).

I added my thoughts to a wiki page on this topic about importance for
areas that don't have sat imagery and are more or less a blank canvas.


I came to the conclusion that putting streets in, even without names
is very valuable because other people with local knowledge can fill in
the blanks without needing a GPS, at least that's how it'd work in
theory :)

As for roundabouts, they're a bit of hassle and I'd love for JOSM to
do it better but any way as things are I either draw a square and then
add mid points between the 4 corners to turn it into a roundabout, or
I draw a triangle and hit shift+o, neither is perfect but perfection
isn't generally achievable anyway.

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