$150 gives you a feed from space... ;)



On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 11:17 AM, John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2009/9/27 terryc <ter...@woa.com.au>:
>> John Smith wrote:
>>> Sydney is 1788 sq km according to wikipedia at $12/sq km comes out at
>> Can you explain the $12/sqkms.
> Sat imagery with a non-profit discount is about US$12/sq km
>> (That 1788 sqkms sounds awfully small to me, but anyway)
> I looked again area is 12144.6 kmĀ² (I really must stop emailing late
> at night), so at US$12/sq km = $145,000.... The prices must have
> dropped compared to what is on the OSM wiki which estimated the price
> at $300k....
>> Is that possible under OSM?
> We'd need a legal entity to do it under, however there is nothing I
> know of that would prevent us from on selling/licensing assets the
> legal entity produces to further fund itself.
>> (There is also the question of the established competition).
> This is the question, can we provide our own imagery cheaper than
> others already doing it?
> Which is probably yes, at that point could we use it as a funding source?
> Instead of onselling/licensing the imagery we could see if Yahoo or
> someone is interested in the results and willing to fund us to do
> it...
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Jim Croft ~ jim.cr...@gmail.com ~ +61-2-62509499 ~
... in pursuit of the meaning of leaf ...
... 'All is leaf' ('Alles ist Blatt') - Goethe

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