Did you have to do anything to get it to work and find your GPS?

It says GPS not found in the settings (Nokia N95)

Jason Stirk wrote:
> I've been using Mobile Trail Explorer on my E71.
> http://www.substanceofcode.com/software/mobile-trail-explorer/*
> *It's far from polished, crashes occasionally, and has a flakey UI, 
> but it records traces to KML and GPX, and can load OSM map tiles if 
> you have a Internet connection.
> I believe you can also download the map tiles to a cache so as that 
> you can use them without Internet, but I've not tried it.*
> *But, save your trace frequently, and don't dare interrupt saving a 
> trace, lest it eat all your hard work and crash...
> Hope this helps,
> Jason*
> *
> 2009/10/2 Cosmic Charade <cosmichar...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:cosmichar...@gmail.com>>
>     I have a Nokia N95.  I want to go walkabout north side Canberra this
>     weekend to get some fresh air.  I'm ready to go with a stack of
>     batteries and plenty of music.
>     a) Is there a Symbian / Nokia client to access OSM on the go like
>     I can
>     do with Google Maps?
>     b) Can I record a track with say Nokia Sports Tracker that can export
>     tracks to kml format to contribute if I find any bike or walking
>     tracks
>     or POIs along the way?
>     My wife stole the netbook so I can't use that with my GPS dongle :-(
>     Thanks..
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