On Mon, 5 Oct 2009 02:56:45 +1000
John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Using the property boundary WMS tiles I managed to redo a largish
> chunk of the Condamine river near Chinchilla, the property boundary
> data isn't 100% perfect for this purpose but it is certainly much
> better than the low res sat imagery.
> http://maps.bigtincan.com/?z=12&ll=-26.824,150.662&layer=B00000000TT

We'd be better of loading the data from:


converted to osm data then loading it into josm to cross check with sat imagery 
and where there is already rivers added.

Unfortunately this only holds the dbf data not the actual shape file so I'm 
currently downloading the Wetlands data to see if this will give the stream 


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