On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 12:29 AM, John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com>wrote:

> 2009/10/5 Elizabeth Dodd <ed...@billiau.net>:
> > On Mon, 5 Oct 2009, John Smith wrote:
> >> The ABS data isn't very accurate, but it would be accurate enough for
> >> the purpose it was intended which is breaking the country up into
> >> various geographical areas for statistical purposes.
> >>
> >> The Qld boundary data seems to be more accurate than GPS in most if
> >> not all cases, and it has to be in case of legal disputes arising.
> >>
> >> So it's not exactly clear cut as to if imported data is better or
> >> worst, you need to know what the intended purpose of the data is also.

Yup, thats why i recommend (from my last message to the list) making the
data 'available' and letting the mapper decide what features they want to
copy in... rather than the person doing the conversion making that decision.
... which is why i don't like 'bulk_importing' data... as i see it as
... so IMO, only local mappers, ie. the most active area mapper, should
really be the person who copies in the new data.


P.S. some points do need to be mentioned on the imports@ mailing list, as
this helps improve the overall development of how any import 'should' be
conducted.   ... as it's ALOT of data, but alot a LOT of burden on those who
are importing the data (if mistakes are make)
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