2009/10/6 Ross Scanlon <i...@4x4falcon.com>:
> I've noticed lots of the islands off the Queensland coast have had their 
> coastlines changed to natural=land.
> From the wiki this is incorrect.
> natural=land is for "Land that exists within another area, such as a lake."

Lake Eyre etc is so big they used natural=coastline... Although this
comes back to the question the other day, where does the coastline
start/end, legally speaking it cuts across bays, it doesn't go round
them or up rivers...

> additionally look here:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:natural%3Dcoastline
> Without natural=coastline the islands will not show up in the coastline shape 
> file.

They will render still.

natural=coastline mostly needs to be used if you have an unclosed way
you would like to render, such as lake eyre and similar lakes in that
area, natural=water/riverbank should probably be dealt with in the
same way, but they aren't.

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