I've just bought from eBay a 1DIN size indash motor vehicle tv / dvd/ gps/ cd 
goodnessknows what else gadget

it has no brand identifiers.

(i know this is a risk getting gps to work, but this is my risk)

GPS operation instruction
1. insert the navigation card....

this card is an SD card with a label Route 66
$ ls /media/disk/Route66/
ActivationKey.dat  Config.ini     help  maps           pois       res
colors.ini         Favorites.ini  lang  Navigate7.exe  prefs.ini  speech

$ ls /media/disk/Route66/maps/

ls /media/disk/Route66/res/

ls /media/disk/Route66/speech/poi/
camera.ogg  carbrake.ogg  exclam.ogg  laser.ogg  startup.ogg

has anyone else got one?
does anyone recognise the directory structure?
does anyone know how to make OSM into the correct format?
does anyone know if gosmore or navit or other program can be persuaded to work 
on one of these machines?


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