On Thu, 26 Nov 2009 23:16:14 +1000
John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 2009/11/26 Steve Bennett <stevag...@gmail.com>:
> > 1) Is there anywhere to see which suburbs of Melbourne are totally
> > unmapped, but covered by nearmap?
> You basically load up JOSM and look for blank areas or roads that are
> greyed out which are highway=road

Could not have put it better myself.  Don't forget to make sure the nearmap 
images are georeferenced.  Generally it's not needed but its always a good idea 
to cross check with some know surveyed point.

> > 2) What's the latest consensus on how to tag bits of grass in cities
> > that aren't really parks? I've come across a couple of pages on the
> > wiki (Talk:Proposed features/Misc. urban open space, Proposed
> > features/Green space) but nothing very definitive. There are lots of
> > places along the foreshore here with sizeable areas of grass that
> > don't seem like "parks" as such, and plenty of "reserves"...what does
> > everyone do?
> From mapfeatures page:
> landuse=meadow

Maybe they should be just landuse=park anyway.


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