On Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 11:43 AM, Elizabeth Dodd <ed...@billiau.net> wrote:
> On Sun, 6 Dec 2009, John Smith wrote:
>> I'm generally not that overly concerned with the rest of the world,
>> but will be really upset with how this will push Australia backwards,
>> the ABS data and other datasets recently released by the verious
>> Australian governments has been very good in helping to push things
>> forward in low denisty areas and there is a lot of data that will just
>> up and vanish if they enforce this.
>> I'm not an OSMF member and have been getting more and more annoyed
>> with the way things are headed by the idealists.
>> I have the resources (hardware/bandwidth) at my disposal to do
>> something if I absolutely have to about Australia. I am really hoping
>> it won't need to come to that outcome because it will fork resources
>> considerably as the camps diverge.
> I too am seeing a fork in Australia as a result of this.
Why would we need a fork? No current Australian datasets are CC-BY-SA
(or NC or ND), only CC-BY. ABS data, QLD boundaries and ACT POIs are
"Creative Commons - Attribution 2.5 Australia (CC-BY)". You can
commercialise and not share the data if you really wish.
The risk is that future datasets may have the share-alike attributes
and they would not be compatible with ODbL.

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