> 2009/12/26  <ed...@billiau.net>:
>> At the time I must have got emergency_service from somewhere
>> where else is it used?
>> I'm happy to change when we decide
> I'm just pointing out it goes against other emergency services,
> although they should probably be grouped together properly instead of
> lumped in as amenities
where the discussion page notes that we can't "just change" existing
amenity tags.
emergency_service=technical has no usage in Australia
and checking the unreferenced wikipedia page
technical doesn't fit SES duties
nothing on that page fits normal storm/tempest/flood work which is always
SES, and it dumps rescue in with fire, which is a major unresolved
discussion in Australia, where rescue can be police, fire, ambulance, ses,
vra (maybe more) for various historical and political reasons.

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