On Sat, Dec 26, 2009 at 9:59 PM, Richard Colless <fire...@ar.com.au> wrote:

> I've been driving around some areas that are OSM mapped, but almost devoid
> of features except the road. I find that having extra non-drivable features
> makes the map more "comfortable" - gives you confidence in your location.
> (I've been adding small creeks and dams around SW Sydney).
I know what you mean. I wish we had better ways of indicating the difference
between absence of feature and unmapped. I sometimes resort to drawing
fences for similar reasons. I've also used landuse=residential to indicate
areas that are indeed otherwise unmapped. (http://osm.org/go/uGys1CiI- for
an example)

Yesterday on a ride I ended up following a dead end bike path, because I
gambled that the end of the path was simply unmapped, rather than
non-existent. I've since added a forest at the end of the path to try and
communicate that the path really doesn't continue.

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