2010/1/1 Franc Carter <franc.car...@gmail.com>:
> I suspect the roads that are closed each year (and even more likely
> each event) will be different. So, I cam to the conclusion that the

Some roads, like the road over the harbour bridge are consistently
closed the same time each year, usually for the same time periods too,
although it would be possible to update the information as needed if
needed I suppose.

> best way of handling this was as some sort of  data patch with a
> start/end time that gets applied in the routing software.

I don't think knowing the exact start/stop time is as important as
being able to route around roads commonly closed.

> From this I see two challenges - a format to represent the data, and
> an editor that makes it easy to create

I'm already adding opening_hours=* tags to shops, this might be close
to what's needed.


The only problem with this scheme is you can't do, first sunday of the
month for example.

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