On Fri, 2010-01-15 at 07:04 +1000, John Smith wrote:
I never did get round to doing the one I was going to do before I had
> to leave, so well done...
> The only comment is on the prohibited relation, is it really needed to
> do the inner sections of St Leonards Park, when you have the outer
> section of the park done?
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=-33.8312&lon=151.21092&zoom=17&layers=B000FTFT&relation=384683
If you have a look at page 10 from here:

You'll see that the lower left oval and surrounding buildings are
allowed to have alcohol (they sell it there!), and a similar situation
exists in the lower right (it's a bowling club that also sells alcohol).
But apart from these 2 places, the rest of the park is alcohol
- Which is the primary reason I chose the multipolygon relation, as it
defines an outer area, and has "holes" in it.

I may fine tune the alcohol relations to make St Leonard's park a
multipolygon relation, then add that relation to the main alcohol site
relation which sounds like it'll do a better job of describing it.

Multipolygon - for making holes in areas:
Site - A way to group nodes/ways/areas/relations which belong together:

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