On Thu, 2010-02-18 at 23:02 +1100, Nick Hocking wrote:
> John Henderson wrote:
> "Well I've done the Cullerin wind farm nearby"

Ive laid out powerlines across most of the ACT and Queanbeyan, so feel
free to do the line from the wind farm to the Queanbeyan sub-station.
> That looks great!.  It's a shame that the Nearmap imagery does not
> extent to Bungendore yet.

I wonder if there are any plans to do so?  It would be great to have
nearmap imagery along the NSW coast, the same as is being done along the
Victorian coast.
> I have no idea how to map the wind turbines. Do I need radar or survey
> tools or can it be done by photographs, or 
> do I just nee to ask them nicely to let me drive around.

Ive been using a couple of different techniques for doing power towers,
but one that Im looking at for more remote towers is simple survey
triangulation as you suggest.  Youve got a GPS, all you need is a
compass, pen/paper and a little bit of high-school maths.


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