On Sat, 2010-05-08 at 11:55 +1000, John Smith wrote: 
> On 8 May 2010 07:29, John Henderson <snow...@gmx.com> wrote:
> > The -1 layer tag accurately describes the situation when the "ford=yes"
> > tag is actually and literally applicable.  There may be no special
> > construction of the roadway at a ford - just a warning to expect a wet
> > crossing for a period after some decent rain.  So I think the layer tag
> > is OK.
> In my opinion, since the roadway isn't a tunnel under the waterway,
> the layer tag should be the same as the waterway.

I dont think its a good idea for a waterway and highway to intersect on
the same layer.  You dont need a bridge/tunnel to use a layer tag,
landuse comes to mind which isnt that far removed from a river area.
Another thought, is how will a ford be rendered if it has a layer below
a waterway with a higher/lower layer?  I think layer tag should be used,
but other than layer=-1, I cant think what else.


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