One other thing I forgot to mention.

Over mapping.

Mainly on straight roads.  I know when tracing it can make it easier to do so 
using lots of nodes but this vandalism was hard to revert because of the number 
of excess nodes on ways.

A better way to trace a road is to put a node at one end and then at the other 
end.  You then drag the center points (in josm) to align the road where 
necessary.  I think you can do the same in potlatch but I'm not really sure as 
I don't use it as it's painfully slow.

A straight road only needs two nodes one at each end.  I found ways with nodes 
every 50m on a road that was 2km long.  Now whe I removed all the inner nodes 
and left only the two end ones it was in exactly the same place on the road on 
the nearmap imagery.

So unless you are adding extra information to a straight road, traffic_calming, 
speed zones, pedestrian crossings don't put more than the start and end node on 
straight roads.

Use the Simplify Way tool in Josm or the Tidy tool in potlatch before you 
upload the way.

Don't have a node <2m away from an intersection, it makes it really hard to 
determine where the errors are.


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