On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 6:09 PM, John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Either the ABS boundaries might be wrong, or the boundary has moved
>> since 2006, or where you think the boundary is, isn't where the ABS
>> thinks it is, it's borderlineish though...
> http://maps.bigtincan.com/?z=16&ll=-27.517,153.028&layer=000B0000000TT

Actually, I think I know what might be going on. The property is
clearly within the suburb of Annerley, however, the property's
associatedStreet *is itself a suburb boundary*.

Maybe Nominatim is unable to deduce the suburb of such properties -
maybe it flips a coin, and in this case it got it wrong.

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