Hi everyone,

Less than one week to go to the Bribie Island Mapping Party!

If you are coming please let me know (if you haven't already) by
Wednesday so that I can ensure I have enough breakfast supplies, and
that there are enough seats for Lunch.

For the BBQ breakfast in the park, please let me know if you have any
special dietary requirements that won't be met by bacon, sausages and
eggs, and I'll make sure there's something there for you too.

See you soon!

- David

On 28 June 2010 16:55, David Dean <dd...@ieee.org> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> OSM mapping party propaganda follows. Please pass onto anyone you
> think might be interested.
> - David
> ----
> Calling all map-lovers, amateur cartographers, surveyors and
> cartophiles! Local OpenStreetMappers are having a mapping party soon,
> and we want your help.
> When:     Saturday 17th July 2010
> Agenda:
>    09:00 - 09:30    BBQ Breakfast at Quota Park, Welsby Parade
>    09:30 - 13:00    Mapping
>    13:00 - 14:00    Lunch at Bribie Island Hotel, 29 Sylvan Beach Esplanade
> Details:     
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Bribie_Island_Mapping_Party_July_2010
> OpenStreetMap is a collaboratively built free map of the world, with
> simple wiki-like editing;  think ‘Wikipedia’, but for maps. The result
> is highly detailed digital maps, created and edited by local
> communities, that are free to reproduce without the normal commercial
> restrictions.  It's a fun project to get involved with; you'll
> discover how maps are made and uncover the geographical secrets of
> your neighbourhood.
> Volunteers from all around Brisbane have already begun mapping the
> roads, footpaths and cycleways across the city, but now we need your
> help to improve our map by adding street details and amenities such as
> restaurants, parks, playgrounds and shops.
> For July, we will be mapping Bribie Island. After beginning with a
> delicious BBQ breakfast at Quota Park, we will split up and spread out
> over Bribie Island to collect information for inclusion in
> OpenStreetMap. You are welcome to map however and wherever you want,
> but here are a few suggestions for things that other mappers like to
> collect:
>    * Missing streets, footpaths and cycleways
>    * Missing street names
>    * Missing street facilities (traffic lights, pedestrian crossings,
> speed bumps, etc.)
>    * Missing reserves, parks, schools and child-care centres
>    * Missing amenities (water fountains, toilets, playgrounds, seats,
> shelters, etc.)
>    * Details of shops/restaurants/pubs
> However, if you aren't sure what you can do, we'll be happy to provide
> ideas and help get you started. If you have a GPS device, including a
> GPS-enabled phone, bring it along, but you don’t need anything special
> to map - just a pen and paper will do. Blank maps for note-taking can
> easily be made available if prior notice is provided.
> After spending a couple of hours surveying we will rejoin at the
> Bribie Island Hotel at 13:00 for lunch and to debrief. If you have a
> laptop, bring it along and we'll show you how easy it is to use
> OpenStreetMap on your own computer. Internet access will be made
> available through shared mobile broadband (or bring your own).
> If you can’t or don’t feel like helping in the physical survey, or you
> just want to be social, please feel free to turn up at the Bribie
> Island Hotel anyway. We’ll be there between 13:00 and 14:00 and we’ll
> be happy to introduce you to OpenStreetMap, and maybe get you set up
> to map your local area.
> If you can come, please let David Dean know by Wednesday the 14th of
> June, so we can have some idea of how will be turning up on the day.
> Contact David Dean on 0407 151 912 to RSVP or for more information.
> (please let me know if you don't want these emails in future)
> --
> David Dean
> Post-Doctoral Fellow, RP-SAIVT, QUT
> (me) http://www.davidbdean.com
> (saivt) http://www.bee.qut.edu.au/projects/saivt/
> (post) Room S1101, GPO Box 2434, Brisbane, Australia 4001
> (p) +61 7 3138 1414 (m) 0407 151 912
> (CRICOS) 00213J

David Dean
Post-Doctoral Fellow, RP-SAIVT, QUT
(me) http://www.davidbdean.com
(saivt) http://www.bee.qut.edu.au/projects/saivt/
(post) Room S1101, GPO Box 2434, Brisbane, Australia 4001
(p) +61 7 3138 1414 (m) 0407 151 912
(CRICOS) 00213J

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