On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 10:31 AM, David Murn <da...@incanberra.com.au> wrote:
> Wiki suggests that a pitch is any sort of playing field.  Infact doesnt
> even suggest football/cricket (although does have soccer).  Suggestions
> are tennis, skate park, basketball, etc.
> I think pitch=fishing could possibly be used here, although there are
> also fishing=yes and leisure=fishing tags, which might be more
> appropriate.

Were you guys serious about this? A pitch has:
- defined boundaries
- a special playing surface
- lines and other markings

It's used by multiple people playing a competitive sport. The sport
always takes place *inside* the pitch. A fishing platform has none of
these characteristics. Even if it was used strictly for sports
fishing, it would be a stretch.


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