On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 1:38 AM, Andrew Harvey <andrew.harv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Looks like this has been done again
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/changeset/6132651
> The whole closed way bays that I added have been deleted. I consider
> this is vandalism,

I think that you would be wrong.

Vandalism would be spelling your name across that harbour in
highway=motorway, or deleting the UN building outline.

This is a mapping disagreement, changing it back and forth might turn
it into an "editing war" but it's still just a disagreement between
two or more mappers.

> what should I do?

Forget about it and leave it alone?

Or talk directly with the other mapper.  Use site mail, say "Hi", be
nice and invite them to join your discussion here. It's easy to miss a
discussion about tagging on one or more mailing lists.  While the
discussion here, on tagging@ or the wiki might be comprehensive and
lead to a consensus, it won't necessarily reach every mapper.  And
consensus here doesn't create "law".

But remember that in a tagging disagreement, each party is a contributor to OSM.

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