> More importantly is it a official OSMF or semi-official LWG email, or just
> some pro-ODbL people spamming everyone?
Pretty sure it's the last one. I received it a few weeks back, even through
i'd put a note on my OSM user page saying i didn't want it.

I'm sure i've seen something on the OSM wiki about it, and there is the
following on the top right of the odbl.de page:

> If you want to ask a user about the ODbL:
>    1. First check if the user hasn’t accepted already by clicking on the
>    „H“ next to the username on this page (because this stats are only updated
>    once a week) and if nobody else has bothered the user before (see the
>    list in the 
> wiki<http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Asking_users_to_accept_the_ODbL>
>    )
>    1. check the OSM user page (click on the username on this page) and the
>    wiki page of the user (click on the “W” next to the username on this page)
>    1. do a web search on discussions of the user about the ODbL (click on
>    the “S” next to the username on this page)
> Please write a friendly mail, asking if the user already knows about the
> licence change, where he could read more about the topic and how he could
> accept the licence.
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