On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 9:24 PM, Leon Kernan <lker...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Neat - any links/info on what you are using for navigation ?
> I've been developing my apps in Visual Basic 2010 and running on Windows 7
> in the car.

I'm on Linux, but it spatialite should be fine on that

> The routing is provided by the spatialite addon to sqlite. Basically i can
> do a single sql query with a start and end node and it will return a last of
> all ways required to get from a to b.
> Spatialite also includes tools to get the basic OSM file into the sql
> database in the appropriate geometry format.
> I only have to do a bit of massaging after to get things like maxspeed and
> route relations included.
> Heres a link to the spatialite website:
> http://www.gaia-gis.it/spatialite/



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