Gary wrote...

"I've been working on my suburb (Brunswick East), and keep coming across
tangled messes of ways caused by the boundary data effectively floating
above different ways. Roads are being connected to the boundary instead
of the the road. The road or other way has been moved to create a clear
path for the boundary and vice-a-versa. I presume the overlapping
sections of the boundary could be merged with the underlying way. Has
anybody had any experience doing this and what are the potential


Hi Gary,

I'm a firm believer that virtual things like admin and landuse boundaries
should never be glued to roads.
Once I had to dissect about 5 layers of landuse park admin boundaries in
order to get to the road (I needed to add a bridge into the road).  It was a
complete nightmare and took about an hour instead of about 1 minute.

If these boundaries can not be in their own seperate OSM layer then I also
would like to see them offset from the roads by a small margin.

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