On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 11:42 AM, David Murn <da...@incanberra.com.au> wrote:
> That is the reason why very little effort has been expended mapping
> Australia lately, until we know what skeleton of data we'll have left to
> work with after the changeover.
> If you want to map for OSM at the moment, your best bet is to map
> offline using something like JOSM, then save all your edits to be
> uploaded when the licence issue has been sorted out, otherwise you might
> find youre spending hours fixing up the map only to find all your work
> removed or broken when other users data is removed.

So is there some sort of secret Australian cabal that I should know
about? Do you guys have a mailing list? I sure don't see much of this
kind of discussion on this list...


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