On Sun, 19 Jun 2011 18:12:25 +0100
Grant Slater <openstreet...@firefishy.com> wrote:

> We have people subverting our CC-BY-SA license right now!!1! *zomg*
> And they wouldn't be abusing our ODbL license in future.
> Case: UN: http://www.unitar.org/unosat-releases-new-maps-over-haiti

I viewed these maps and understand why you have made the claim that the
licence has been subverted, with no attribution given, assuming that
the finding of the displaced person camps and damaged bridges etc was
OSM volunteer work.
I've not seen this example mentioned in the LWG or Board minutes, so I
don't know when you contacted UNITAR / UNOSAT to have this clarified.
I cannot however, follow your logic that it won't happen with a
differently licensed map.

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