<snip> A whole lot of angst </snip>

I don't often email the list, but I've been kicking around OSM for maybe four years, and done a bit of mapping here and there, as well as generating the odd Garmin map for people to use. This email is a bit rambly, so I apologise in advance.

To be honest, I'm over it. People have been beating each other over the head with CC-by and ODbL for so long now that we've all been pretty much brain damaged. All the posts degenerate into slanging matches inside of three replies, and the level of discourse as plummeted.

So, here's my take on this: Mapping (both creating and using the maps) should be fun. But the fun has gone for me. The license debate has unfortunately slowly destroyed the community feel of the project, pissing off a lot of existing contributors, and no doubt making it less welcoming for new ones. The talk-AU list is dominated by a handful of people with very strong opinions, which is intimidating to any new comers, and off putting to the rest. That's not to say that the opinions expressed are wrong, but they do tend toward the 'fanatic' end of the spectrum. The silent majority who subscribe but don't post must wonder where the fun went. And everything just muddies the water.

I've accepted the new CT's, but that's probably a bit moot as I haven't contributed much recently. Personally, I think the license debate is a bit of a furphy - contracts and licenses are important from a moral standpoint, but only practically worthwhile if you are prepared to police and enforce them. It's not really about license enforcement, it's about respect for the project. Any project that expends all its energy trying the control the usage of the project, rather than actually improving the content of the project, will eventually fall of a cliff as people move on.

I guess my question is 'what is the goal of OSM?', and also 'what are the goals of the contributors?'. Weren't we trying to make a map that people could use in many and varied ways? Have we now lost sight of that goal - to make OSM accessible to all - and turned on ourselves and started eating our young? I don't care about attribution for my contributions - that's not why I was mapping in the first place. I just wanted a map I could use, and a project that was both enjoyable to contribute, and fun to be a part of.

The license has changed, and I'm not sure what that means for the garmin maps I make - do I have to change the attribution, or do different things to meet the license requirements? I don't know, and to be honest I don't care. If I'm doing something wrong or incorrectly, maybe I'll get round to fixing it, maybe I won't.

But the problem is I've become disillusioned - the fun and community has gone.

And that's the sad part about the whole thing.


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