On 06/09/11 11:26, Ian Sergeant wrote:
Hi Richard,

Welcome to OSM.

A few observations.

Nearmap is no longer an acceptable source for OSM, since they do not
allow traces from their imagery to be re-licensed.  I notice at least
one of your edits sourced nearmap, and that isn't allowed any more.  If
you were using Potlatch, perhaps you were using bing and didn't notice it?

If you look in the history you will see that it's prior to 17 July 2011 and not added by Richard as a source he has just added more detail.

As Richard is using Potlatch he will be unable to access Nearmap imagery any way.

Using the "name" tag to describe the way or the amenity probably isn't
best practice, it really should be the name of the way if it has one,
and just left blank if not.  Putting "path connecting two streets",
isn't the name, but you can put it in a "note"  tag if you think the
information is important.  Same with the playground, etc.  The name is
what displays on the map as the label.

You also don't need to put (dirt) in the name, instead you can use the
"surface" tags, or "tracktype" tags.

You don't need to put "steps" in the name, you can use highway=steps, or

Ditto to all from me. If your using highway=track then you should also include tracktype.


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