On 15/11/2011 15:54, Andrew Laughton wrote:
This is different to what I thought is was.
Could someone please remind me why Nearmap and Google maps do not want us to trace their aerial views ?

Google just don't allow it in their basic terms of service. We have asked them to allow us and the informal answer was that the imagery comes from different suppliers under different agreements, so it would be just too difficult. We also provide a map from our own website as well as map data so are a potential competitor ... but that is me speculating.

Nearmap have a business model that requires them to claim copyright from their commercial customers of not only the imagery but anything that is traced from it. Therefore they were very tightly constrained to make sure they did nothing that undermined their commercial business. Both they, and us, tried very hard but in the end I guess their lawyers were unable to sign off on it from a commercial risk point of view.

Bing make no claim on anything traced as long as it is put in the OSM database. Me speculating again; this is a case where having a share-alike license is a good thing, Microsoft, like IBM and Novell with Linux, can make something available safe in the knowledge that it cannot be snaffled and improved by a competitor during at least a business cycle, help their customers with an OSM layer, and eventually spend less money on other commercial map providers. It will be great if they can extend their higher-resolution coverage of Australian non-city areas, something to work on.

Also if I agree to the new license, is there an easy way to delete all my Yahoo aerial tracing, or is this now allowed ?

I think I had a source tag on most, if not all of it, but at the moment I am locked out from viewing it.

Yahoo imagery is or or shortly will be longer available as they are winding up their own map unit, the imagery delivery has been on auto-pilot for some time. The permission to use it for past tracing remains unchanged and they make no copyright claim over the tracings made, so I hope that solves the question? If not or you or anyone else has other difficult data, let me know and we will try to help. We have one instance where a contributor can accept for data in one area of the world but not another area, and another instance where a contributor feels they cannot accept for contributions made during a certain time interval.


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