Hullo everyone,
I keep well out of the whole legal/political side of OSM usually, but
I'd just like to ask if I should be doing anything in particular whilst
editing these days, before the licence change? I mean, people keep
talking about deleting and recreating data that's been added by
decliners, and it rather sounds like a fair bit of work! If I just
carry on as usual, am I making more work for everyone later, or is it
going to be okay? I don't particularly fancy having piles of my
contributions removed because they're building on decliners' data!
PS: Please say "yeah it'll all be fine"! ;-)
On 2011-12-16 11:03AM, John Henderson wrote:
Hi Nick,
Please don't concern yourself with Boorowa. I was giving it as an
example of the complexities of untangling the "good" data from the
"tainted" data.
I go there regularly. It will be no problem for me. And you've got so
much to do that I can't help you with.
John, I'll have a look at Boorowa tonight. Let's see if we can
untangle the acceptor/decliner edits and save as much acceptor edits
as possible. Any road info that must be lost, I will happily re-map
on my way to Adelaide next thursday.
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