On Thu, December 29, 2011 9:56 am, Nick Hocking wrote:
> Sam wrote
> "Is it necessary to remove that data now, before the big change-over date?
>   1. Is there not still a chance that people who have declined the new
> licence
>      will change their minds, and accept?
>   2. Surely there's some magic in the works, that is going to swiftly and
>       completely remove the non-compliant data for us?"
> Yes, I think it is necessary to delete this data now...
> Firstly, the importer of this data has moved over to the dark side and
> seems to be
> relishing in the possible data loss to the OSM project. So there isn't a
> chance in hell
> of him accepting the CT's.
> Even if he did, I'm not sure the ABS data would be allowed to be relicenced
> under Odbl.
> And even if it was, this data is woefully out of date and now almost
> useless anyway.
> Also the ABS data appear as "red dots and lines" in Fredricks tainted data
> display and
> this masks out other bad data that needs to be removed and either remapped
> or OSM mappers
> good data recovered from history - where available.
> Also the places where people have mixed the ABS data with otherwise good
> data need to be
> looked at individually, now, to try to save as much good data as possible.
> Nick

All good points, Nick.  Thanks.

I guess I've been hoping that it doesn't come down to individually looking at
everything and manually fixing things... but it does (if we're to save as much
data as possible) and so I'm quite happy to get cracking with it...


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