On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 5:02 PM, John Inkson <jink...@bigpond.net.au> wrote:

> Hi from another newbie

Hey John, great to have you on board :-) For your questions on relations,
the holy bible is here: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Relations.
Copying other existing relations as a start may seem like a good idea but,
unfortunately, there's a good chance the existing ones are wrong... :-P My
advice would be stick to the wiki, and ask specific questions like you have
done. Even better if you can provide a *direct* link in your email to the
relation(s) in question.

> If it is any encouragement, for the old hands around in here.  I am only
> new
> by a few weeks and I knew full well what was coming re the redaction
> process.  I've decided to hang around and do what I can.  So, I came here
> at
> "the worst" time and have decided to stay.  I don't think I will be alone
> in
> that.  There will be others as well.

That is great encouragement indeed! :-)

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