Hi Russell,

Welcome aboard. Just my thoughts...

For a newbie, you've made some very astute observations about the accuracy of 
the aerial imagery, so thanks for giving it the degree of thought - because 
many others just dive in and start tracing without understanding these 

You're absolutely correct. Its quite normal for Bing (and others) to be off by 
10m or so, but in other areas it's very accurate. It differs all over the place.

Whatever editing tool you're using (Potlatch, JOSM, etc..), should give you the 
ability to align your background imagery. Just be aware the further you move 
away from the area you have aligned, the more likely the alignment will need 
another adjustment.

JOSM allows you "bookmark" such alignments. I have a bookmark for my home town. 
But the danger of bookmarking your aerial alignment is that if Bing updates 
their imagery, your bookmarked alignment will probably no longer apply. Just 
something to keep in mind.

Your known survey mark is definitely an excellent start. You can make a node in 
OSM to those exact coordinates, then align your background imagery so the 
location of the survey mark in Bing aligns to your OSM node.

I would not rely on other people's OSM edits on which to base your alignment. 
You don't know how accurate or inaccurate they are. Your survey mark is the 
best way, and the GPS traces.

Are you aware you can upload and share your GPS traces (in your profile 
section), and you can view all the uploaded traces while editing? This is great 
for aligning the background image. Depending where you live, you might have 
some major roads in your area which already have lots of traces. If so, that's 
great - try and find a couple of busy intersections to align and you should get 
a good alignment.

Otherwise you can try walking around a block several times, or around a park, 
or around a roundabout many many times (if you see men in white coming to get 
you... Run!) Another method is to use a fixed point - and approach it from 
different angles like cross hairs to a target.

As far as GPX averaging goes, I'm personally not familiar with anything that 
does this, but this list has some very talented people who can help or point 
you in the right direction. I find software averaging is not necessary because 
if you look at the traces visually you'll immediately get a very good idea from 
their density when they're all presented together (eg if you look at the traces 
on a busy dual carriageway motorway you'll very easily see an "average" for 
each carriageway). In built up areas you just need to be mindful of whether 
traces originate from cyclists, motorists, or pedestrians... and apply a degree 
of commonsense. I'm not sure if software can possibly distinguish between a set 
of traces from a roadway, and another set of traces from an adjacent walkway / 
cycleway - in such cases an average is meaningless.

As far as tweaking other people's edits... if you're confident with your 
accuracy, I'd just do it. But if you want to take a more cautious approach you 
can contact the original editor and ask whether they mind you tweaking - or at 
least ask what method they used to position their nodes and let them know you 
can make it more accurate for them. Keep in mind there are many "inactive" 
users who move onto other hobbies after a while - so if you don't hear back 
from somebody after a reasonable time, consider it fair game to change it.

Again, well done for going through this thought process, and welcome!


Sent from my iPhone

On 01/09/2012, at 8:11, Russell Edwards <russell...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello -- brand new user here, please be patient :).
> I am trying to improve OSM in my home town. I notice that many/most OSM ways 
> are approx 5-10 m west of where Bing has them.
> Most either have nearmap or nothing as a source. There are no GPS tracks to 
> download. I could make some but they're usually in (random) error by about 
> the same amount anyway.
> I tried to check against the coordinates given for a survey mark in town, 
> through http://services.land.vic.gov.au/maps/lassi.jsp (with conversion to 
> lat/lon with http://www.gracode.com/mapgrids.php ) ... this also had the Bing 
> map out by about 10 m... but southward!
> Help! Three inconsistent systems - Bing, OSM and the survey mark. Which if 
> any should I trust at the 1-m level? 
> Is there a tool for averaging GPS tracks? There are roads I have run along 
> dozens of times with a GPS track for every run. Maybe with averaging it could 
> get to the 1m level of accuracy.
> (Yeah yeah, don't sweat the small stuff... I just can't stand seeing streets 
> running through people's front gardens...)
> Thanks in advance
> Russell
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