On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 1:42 AM, Chuan <fccli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2. How should cycle paths be tagged, with regards to lcn, rcn, or ncn? I have 
> read http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Australian_Tagging_Guidelines#LCN
> Should these be tagged in relations, or should ways themselves be tagged 
> directly with rcn=yes?
> Viewing on opencyclemap, the south of Canberra has mostly lcn, with the Lake 
> Burly Griffin cyclepath tagged as rcn, and the north of Canberra tagged with 
> rcn.

IMHO the goal is to end up with a map that has a mixture of both LCN
and RCN, for readability: the long, "arterial" bike paths should be
RCN. Something a bit like this:
http://osm.org/go/0GFsCH--?layers=C (except in that case, it's a mix
of RCN and NCN mostly).

> 4. Lastly, in either reconstructing huge areas of redaction, or mapping 
> unmapped areas, where are people getting street names from? Street signs?

IMHO, it's perfectly valid to consult other maps (Bing, Google Maps,
Melway, whatever) for street names, as long as you don't
*systematically* copy names from one source. Individual facts are not
subject to copyright (certainly not in Australia). There is nothing
magical about a street sign that makes it valid to copy a name from a
physical sign, but not from some other source. This is probably a
minority view though.


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