On 20/09/12 06:03, John Henderson wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to draw attention to the correct tag for rest areas, namely
> highway:rest_area
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:highway%3Drest_area
> Most I've seen have been tagged as amenity:parking and/or
> tourism:camp_site.  The camp_site tag is wildly misleading, as "setting
> up camp" is prohibited in rest areas.
> I'm fixing these as I come across them.

Thanks John I didn't know about this.

I've just fixed two of these in fosm. *I hope people on this don't see
the inclusion of this line trolling. But since we inherit all mapping
techniques, tags, and other "how to map" guides in fosm from osm, it
makes sense to consolidate that discussion on the OSM lists, and wiki etc.

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