Hi Paul,

The interpolation way opposite Blows Lane is split (see break from 25-27 at level 18). The walkway there is an open footpath between two distinct properties, whereas the walkway marked opposite Commonwealth Bank is actually an indoor arcade (needs better tagging e.g. covered) and hence I did not split the numbering here because the arcade itself is a "property" with its own number.

There's some strangeness with the nominatim search results and the way it confuses the town/suburb/village.... John Henderson is on the right track - it's something to do with the Town/Suburb/Village hierarchy. I suspect it's a Nominatim issue. It's probably less noticeable in a metropolitan area where everything is a "suburb".


On 23/09/2012, at 11:30 AM, Paul HAYDON wrote:

Hey Ben,

Nice example. I reckon it's worth mentioning the numbers at Blower's Lane (although on the opposite side of the street) - undoubtedly numbering in this fashion will assist with routing. It's probably been covered in the Wiki, and most likely in this forum previously, but worthy of pointing out again, nonetheless.

Great job!


> Hi,
> For fast numbering, you might want to check out the technique I tried for Wharf Street, Forster NSW.
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=-32.18045&lon=152.51021&zoom=17&layers=M
> This uses the "address interpolation" technique. I wasn't sure at the time if I'd done it the right way because nomonatim hadn't been getting updated, but since then it has... and I can tell you it works a treat! If you search for any valid number on Wharf Street Forster it will point you there with surprising accuracy.
> Just draw a parallel way from corner to corner with start/end numbers and tell it whether odd or even. Very nice way to quickly make the map massively more useable. Search the wiki for more details.
> BJ
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