Hi Nathan, rather than difficult, I'm surprised how in agreement every
one is ! Thanks folks !  If it goes on like this, I'll post a summary
in a few days.

> From: "Nathan Van Der Meulen" 

> Firstly, just because a road is dirt (unsealed/unpaved) doesn't make
it any less important than many others.

Far from it, I live on a dirt road !

>  David, while the Plenty Hwy may be considered a 'track' by some
...pass a few Falcons and Commodores), 
Yeah, when I was there a few years ago, we passed a commodore, he had
a broken rear axle.

> it is in fact a NT state highway ....
Yep, you have it in one. Thats the problem of trying to define both
the purpose and condition of the road using just one tag.

> ....These just need to have their additional tags like
surface=unpaved, 4wd_only=yes (or recommended) etc.
Exactly! But we need to see those tags used.

  > I'm currently involved in a project using OSM data for map
Cool, is the outcome for public consumption ?

> highway=track as 4wd only tracks that don't serve a true connection
Hmm, I don't see it that way. Be happy to if thats agreed widely but
its not how I have been mapping. The wiki includes forest drives and
file trails under 'track', most of which are not exclusively 4x4.

> For our render, we use a different colour (brown) for all roads
tagged unpaved, and are trying to get a dashed line for all roads
tagged 4wd_only
Great, really great. But will the standards you use there be of any
interest to the people making the main stream render engines ? Thats
the problem IMHO, we put in these cool tags, 4x4_only= and surface=
but it does not show up on the maps most people see.
Do you plan to differentiate between 4x4_only=yes and
4x4_only=recommended ?

Thanks (everyone) for the constructive input.


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