On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 5:08 PM, Alex Sims <a...@softgrow.com> wrote:

> Adelaide Metro, the umbrella brand for public transport in Adelaide on
> their new (beta) website at
> http://www.adelaidemetro.com.**au/ <http://www.adelaidemetro.com.au/>
> are using OpenTripPlanner and OpenStreetmap for journey planning. Nice to
> see OpenStreetmap getting more, albeit unacknowledged exposure.

Are they pushing data into OSM? Or do we know if the installation has data
services available? (Good to see the bus stops are URIs!)

I remember approaching them several years ago, asking about data extracts
of timetables/stop locations/etc to do mashups - I met with them, but I
felt it went poorly at the time.

It's interesting to see this as basically an about face!
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