Hi David, although my opinion is that most render's try to simplify the the 
stylesheet so the map for ease of comprehension and would not make use of these 
additional attributes, I see your point and agree that it's useful data to 
have. Since my company focuses on 4WD maps and navigation, we will certainly 
take full advantage of this.

BTW, do you have the link to the proposal page? Will go and cast a vote.


On 04/11/2012, at 2:41 PM, David Bannon wrote:

> Li, I beg to differ. While I agree that grading of a 4x4 track is subjective, 
> so is much of the other data in the OSM database. Must be that way.
> The real issue is how important the data is. As I have mentioned, I am 
> concerned that maps are being rendered that ignore this data. Routing engines 
> are potentially sending people down roads that they, and their vehicles are 
> ill suited to. Bad things will definitely happen.
> The routing people are saying "but these tags don't even show on the OSM 
> maps, why should we worry ?". 
> And as to subjective, while there will always be borderline cases, I don't 
> think it would be too hard to divide tracks up into -
> * 4x4 recommended - you will might be OK in a conventional car or (better 
> still) an SUV but you have been warned.
> * 4x4 required - you really need a stock 4x4, a real one with (eg) low ratio.
> * 4x4 extreme - this is for the death or glory boys, they need experience and 
> modified vehicles. This is a recent addition !
> I am pretty sure that if you and I spent a couple of weeks having some 
> driving fun, we'd agree on the vast majority of the tracks we graded.
> David
> ----- Original Message -----
> From:
> "Li Xia" <lisxia1...@gmail.com>
> To:
> "David Bannon" <dban...@internode.on.net>
> Cc:
> "OSM Australian Talk List" <talk-au@openstreetmap.org>
> Sent:
> Sun, 4 Nov 2012 13:08:22 +1100
> Subject:
> 4WD only tags
> Hi David, just my 2 cents on 4WD_only tags.
> By adding a 4x4 recommended tag will add to the complexity because it's kind 
> of subjective as to which roads/tracks are traversable in a 2WD vehicle, 
> therefor adding another option for this key will further complicate the 
> issue. 
> Li.

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