On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 2:29 PM, Nick Hocking <nick.hock...@gmail.com> wrote:
> They also need to have topographical maps for their trail guides but I'm not
> sure whether OSM has that yet for Australia. It turns out that the trail I
> was riding on is part of the BNT but is not yet mapped as such in OSM, so
> I'll have to start surveying the southern part of the ACT's bit of the BNT
> when time permits.

Geoscience provides elevation data at high resolution for free (CC-BY
commercial use allowed etc.) @
It does limit you to 2GB (I'm assuming this trail is pretty long!) but
you can get the full dataset on a harddrive at the National Library
Map Room http://catalogue.nla.gov.au/Record/5760724?lookfor=SRTM&offset=1&max=9

This is ArcGIS-grid Geographic format but you can use GDAL to convert
it to GeoTIFF which gets you to the same point as the american OSM map
renderers http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Shaded_relief_maps_using_mapnik
If anybody wants to test Mapnik rendering out, I have converted the
ACT data into GeoTIFF http://www.sendspace.com/file/4zo9wj (This is
smoothed, I have the unsmoothed version too)

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