Andrew, I don't think the current definitions in OSM provide well for
the range of 'parks' you will encounter. I think its probably best to
try and at least define the borders between various sections, even if
you end up labeling them all with the same.

For example near me there is a section of National Park, State Forest
and State Conservation Reserve, all adjoining. Before the OSM licensing
issues a few years ago, this was all presented as one homogeneous lump,
clearly wrong. Better to get the areas mapped and if later, better tags
come into use, easy to update.

Tags worth thinking about -

landuse=forest; recreation_ground; conservation (last one unapproved)

leisure=park; nature_reserve; dog_park


I don't think the definitions of any of them are very helpful to be
honest. I use boundary=national_park for parks we would clearly identify
as not being a "National Park" but its the closest we have.


On Tue, 2013-06-25 at 15:42 +0800, Andrew Elwell wrote:
> Can someone point me to guidelines for where the .au distinction
> between the two lies?
> I'm trying to map piney lakes (see
> ) which has a park-like southern area and a bushlands reserve to the
> north. Do I split the area into two? define some relation?
> similarly any advice on the dogs allowed part?
> Andrew
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