Is marking source:GeoScience Australia considered attribution?


On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 10:00 PM, <> wrote:

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> Today's Topics:
>    1. Incorporating public information into OSM - Legal situation
>       (Brett Russell)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 19:49:43 +1030
> From: Brett Russell <>
> To: OSM Australia mailing list <>
> Subject: [talk-au] Incorporating public information into OSM - Legal
>         situation
> Message-ID: <snt149-w80b55e70cf0cc334abdef7af...@phx.gbl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hi
> I have been working on OSM maps for bushwalking and this has generated a
> fair bit of interest.  A few people have taken up mapping and one person
> approached me on lifting rivers and streams data from the 1:250,000
> publicly available data.  My response was no as it is likely copyrighted
> and OSM requires no restriction be placed on the data.  Not to be defeated
> he wrote to A/g Manager, Information & Product Management Policy Unit
>  Information Management Corporate Services  |  GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA and
> received this reply.
> "Thank you for your email enquiry in regards to copyright and Creative
> Commons. The material available as a free download under a Creative
> Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence is still under copyright. We
> are releasing many of our products under the CC-BY licence which means
> that you may share (copy, distribute and transmit the work), remix and
> make adaption or even make commercial use of the work. The only
> condition for using the product under this licence is that you must
> attribute Geoscience Australia.
>  If you have any further questions or would like me to send you the
> attribution statement we require please let me know.
> Regards"
> Given that this data (rough as it might be) might be available what is the
> OSM community thoughts on an Australia wide approach?  Basically has anyone
> been down this road.  I would imagine the challenge would be to identify
> what data is available under what license.
>  Anyway your thoughts please.
> Cheers
> Brett
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