Hi Will,

I’ve been mapping the building outlines and tagging the feature appropriately, 
e.g. house and then adding address data to each building. I’ve also added in a 
smaller area the boundary fences or walls. There is I understand, two competing 
models for recording addresses, one where the building is labelled and another 
where a node is created at the building entrance.

Either way it maps “whats on the ground” and can be readily verified. 


On 5 Dec 2013, at 8:04 pm, Will Rouesnel <w.roues...@gmail.com> wrote:

> A simple example starting with my own house - how should residential
> buildings be tagged?
> The block they sit on is more of a land use concern, but the specific
> buildings don't occupy the entire block - and seem like they should be
> tagged "house".
> Is this a correct way to go about things? The goal here would be to get
> my local area updated with street numbers so generated addresses can
> provide navigation to specific locations.
> Would it be correct to trace the outline of the blocks, and label them
> with the address and tag the land as "residential" use? Would this be
> likely to accomplish the overall goal (provide street numbers for my area)?

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