I can confirm this seems to be the case. I'm looking at some street 
number data I just collected and I'm seeing the same phenomenon - the 
number points are 2-3 m NW of where I know I was standing on the 
sidewalk (and its consistent, so not GPS inaccuracy).

On Tue 03 Sep 2013 15:39:39 EST, Ian Sergeant wrote:
> Hi,
> I've noticed that since (at least) June, Bing imagery appears to have
> shifted, across vast swathes of Sydney by about 2-3m to the north
> west.
> You can see the effect clearly where I mapped quite precisely from
> bing imagery as recently as june.
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/-33.71454/150.90355
> My feeling is that it is now less accurate - that's mainly from
> comparing with gps traces and nearmap mapped stuff from before the
> licence change.
> Anyone else noticed the effect?
> Ian.
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