Hi Mike,

I presented a talk at MLUG (Melbourne Linux User Group) 3 years ago
about OSM, it was very well received back then.
I used a presentation template that was given to me around 4 (or 5?)
years ago from another fellow OSM contributor in Australia (sorry, can't
remember his name).

Anyway, if you want to use it and improve it by all means, it is rather
old (pre odbl licence change, when OSM was still cc-by).
You can grab it all here: http://rhubarb.us.to/osm_presentation/ (119MB)
- it'll be a little slow to download.

University of Western Sydney - Campbelltown was originally mapped out by
myself a few years ago, and since then has been refreshed with much more
accurate data (possibly from their cartography / GIS / property
department, not sure). With all the building numbers it'll help new
students and visitors find where they need to go without trying to find
notice boards.
See here: http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=16/-34.0708/150.7878

Lastly, if you want to show off an example of flashy 3D OSM, show them
- But it is possible to import OSM into supertuxkart, and flightgear
(free flight simulator) as well.


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