>  From: Daniel O'Connor [mailto:daniel.ocon...@gmail.com]
> Softgrow has done some work in metro Adelaide around checking roads:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_South_Australia

Thanks. I had seen the edits Softgrow has done, but I wasn’t aware it was 
documented anywhere

> From: Daniel O'Connor [mailto:daniel.ocon...@gmail.com] 
> Sent: Saturday, 21 February 2015 3:39 AM

> Couple of false positives:

> Knox Terrace (Metro area, near waterfall gully) - it's a bit windy and for 
> some reason not matched


Actually this is not a false positive. The OSM version of the name has too many 
R’s !!


> Some of the walking trails near mt lofty

> OBahn busway probably should be excluded.

> There's a lot of little laneways, etc that are worthwhile adding in on their 
> own.


> Given that importing this is probably not a great idea, what other ways could 
> you present the data - as a list with clickable links to the coordatines/OSM 
> way?

> Or even better, http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/MapRoulette/Challenges ?


I will try to give this some thought. I just had a brief look at MapRoulette, 
but I don’t really understand yet what the technical requirements are.


Just loading the .osm file as a separate layer in JOSM seems to be a reasonable 
way to use the data. Potentially, I could re-generate the file often, to 
provide an up-to-date indication of what is left to do. However there would be 
no easy way for someone to mark for others the fact that a way doesn’t really 
need changing; and that could lead to some duplicated effort.


Incidentally, I noticed that you used some of the data in the last 24hrs to 
update road names on KI. I decided to have a go too, adding some missing roads, 
also to KI. The procedure of copying a road from one layer to another, joining 
it to existing ways, and uploading, seems to be fairly easy once you get into 
the rhythm. I was able to add around one missing road every 30 seconds or so.


By the way, I have just put an updated version of “missing.osm” in my Google 
Drive folder, based on the state of OSM today (rather than 9 Feb, like the 
previous one). 


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