Hi Simon,
We are communicating back corrections via the LGAs; which in turn is fed to
DPTI and presumably onto datasets like GNAF eventually.
We are still feeling out the best way to track issues or questions. I
personally like github as a slightly more effective  way than person to
person email; as it radiates information well.

Unfortunately it's not to friendly to binary files/shapefiles; so it is
best used for feedback rather than as a publication spot (perhaps there are
things that can be done with CKAN to get the best of both worlds).

I think we as a community would be very interested in any suggestions to
make feedback more relevant/effective/streamlined. At SA's unleashed
(govhack) last year, a number of us got talking to the folks behind
data.sa.gov.au and this kind of problem - how can we show what value is
being created with open data, how can we turn it into a two way
conversation, etc.
On 13/03/2015 5:04 PM, <simon.coste...@ga.gov.au> wrote:

> Hi there,
> Does any of this feedback go back to the custodians in South Australia?
> I am looking at improving some of the feedback loops.
> Thanks,
> Simon
> Simon Costello
> Group Leader, National Location Information  |  EGD Management
> Environmental Geoscience Division  |  GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA
> ____________________________________________________________
> Phone:  +61 2 6249 9716<tel:+61%202%206249%209716>    Fax:  +61 2 6249
> 9999<tel:+61%202%206249%209999>
> Email:  simon.coste...@ga.gov.au<mailto:simon.coste...@ga.gov.au>
> Web:  www.ga.gov.au<http://www.ga.gov.au/>
> Cnr Jerrabomberra Avenue and Hindmarsh Drive Symonston ACT
> GPO Box 378 Canberra ACT 2601 Australia<x-apple-data-detectors://3>
> Applying geoscience to Australia’s most important challenges
> On 10 Mar 2015, at 11:01 am, Henry Haselgrove <haselgr...@gmail.com
> <mailto:haselgr...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> I agree… with a dataset this large prioritisation is important. All your
> specific suggestions for culling parts from missing.osm sound good. It
> would be easy to add an option to the scripts to exclude highway={primary,
> secondary, track}. And the suggestions you made via github look good too.
> However, I think that some more significant changes to the script should
> be done before this data is unleased onto maproulette. The roads that are
> currently in missing.osm fall (more or less) under three categories:
>                 -- roads that are completely absent in OSM
>                 -- roads that appear in OSM, but have an empty name
>                 -- roads that appear in OSM and have a non-empty name
> which is different to the datasa name, either because OSM is wrong or
> datasa is wrong (or because both are right, such as “Mount Magnificent
> Road” versus “Mt. Magnificent Road”)
> I propose to modify the script to automatically exclude as much as
> possible from the third category. Because, it will be hard for an armchair
> mapper to decide whether OSM or datasa is wrong in those cases. I could try
> to do this over the coming week.
> I’m not sure I agree that the Adelaide metro area should be given
> particular priority over other areas. But I’m probably biased, since I grew
> up in rural SA!
> Probably we should make a posting to the osm “imports” list before too
> much longer, to let them know what we’re thinking.
> From: Daniel O'Connor [mailto:daniel.ocon...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Monday, 9 March 2015 5:32 AM
> To: Henry Haselgrove
> Cc: Alex Sims; OSM Australian Talk List
> Subject: Re: [talk-au] Using roads dataset from data.sa.gov.au<
> http://data.sa.gov.au>
> So, after doing this manually for a bit; it's generally working well.
> There are some where spot checking against other sources suggests the
> dataset is wrong, how do you suggest we indicate these?
> I've put in NOTE or FIXME on the relevant way.
> The thing that is troubling me is the size of the dataset - a few hours
> work barely makes a dent.
> I've taken to deleting all Primary/Trunk, Secondary and Track ways from
> the data set; and then cropping stuff down to the metro adelaide area; and
> it's still very sizable.
> I'd be really keen on maproulette at this point - you seem to be able to
> produce updated files fairly regularly, adding a few bash scripts to turn
> that into curl friendly statements seems achievable.
> Going to start sending a few pull requests your way to get us started on
> this.
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