On 4/07/2015 6:24 PM, fors...@ozonline.com.au wrote:

I am new to editing.

I have noticed inconsistency in what are known in Australia as Alpine or High Country or Mountain Cattlemen's huts.

In Victoria they are tagged tourism=alpine_hut (see Bogong High Plains, Mt Sterling and Lake Mountain)

In the NSW they are tagged as shelter_type=basic_hut. (see the Snowy Mountains, [except that you can't easily see them, eg Whites River Hut, Schlink Hilton, Tin Hut])

I would consider retagging the Victorian huts to basic_hut or wilderness_hut but there is a serious safety issue involved. I am aware that I should not tag for Mapnik but downgrading the hut status would be very risky for map users.

alpine_hut displays in Mapnik at zoom 13 but basic_hut displays at zoom 16. It is practically impossible to find a basic_hut with scroll and zoom, even if you know roughly where it is. I guess this is why Victorian huts are tagged alpine_hut.

These huts are the single most important feature in Australian alpine areas.

Ideally I would like to see basic_hut or wilderness_hut displaying at zoom 13, there is heaps of empty space, at least in Australian maps round these huts, then I would like to see the Victorian huts retagged.

Your thoughts?

Unfortunately rendering 'rules' are world wide ...
Meaning if basic_hut or wilderness_hut displaying were displayed at zoom 13 somewhere in the world there would be too much clutter for the map to be usefull.

Personally I'd like to see these 'rules' being made fuzzy ... so in places where little is shown things can be brought forward. Probably best implemented the other way around, removing things untill the number of things displayed per unit area is suitably small for reading, but large enough for detail.

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