On 5/10/2015 6:58 PM, Max Bainrot wrote:
Hi all,

Been doing some searching trying to work out how to tag a life saving buoy, its basically enclosed in a enclosure located near a emergency phone.

So after some googling I've come across the following.



Both of which as far as I know do not come up on any maps.
Yep. Too few in number for most renders to pay any attention to.

I've gone for the emergency=life_ring as its the most used one and appears not to be a proposed element so should be good.

That is the status. Presently 'unspecified' It is not 'approved' meaning the tagging mailing list has not votes on it... not a great loss. If it were more numerous it would be 'in use'. Looks like the tagging group preferred a different name .. but no one moved on it.. so use what is there.

Is there any other tags I should consider putting on it or is that it? (it seems too easy lol)

Any reference number ref= .. any 'operator' to who complaints about it missing? operator=

I'll think about expanding the english wiki .. the german one has a little more.

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