The Karlsruher Schema is intended for postal addresses, typically the
tags are used on building outlines or on nodes. I wouldn't use them on
landuse boundaries. Nor would I import fine grained land ownership in
the first place (you should be able to find discussion of the pros and
cons on the talk or talk-us mailings lists some time back.


Am 03.01.2016 um 07:29 schrieb Michael Gratton:
> Hey all,
> Now that the NSW LPI goldmine is available, I'd like to be able to tag
> individual residential and commercial property boundaries. Looking at
> the wiki, it seems like boundary=administrative isn't applicable and
> landuse=... is for larger areas, so is the only useful tagging scheme
> something like:
>> area=yes
>> addr:housenumber=...
>> addr:street=...
> But then Karlsruhe says that buildings should be tagged with the
> addr:* tags instead?
> Any suggestions?
> //Mike

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