
I have almost finished including the LPI Post Offices.

I have completed country NSW and ACT. These were checked with the Ozie post website to 'see' if they were still current.. where not I tagged them obsolete:amenity=post_office ... so they won't render but still be in the data base for others to see. I have yet to complete the Sydney, Wollongong and Newcastle areas. I have added addresses from the LPI base map where I could determine it, a few of these differed from the Ozie post data .. but either not significantly, or if there is doubt then I included a fixme tag. All of my additions have a source tag.

I did notice that the past OSM post offices entries had some short comings - no name, name=Australia Post .. and almost certainly no address. Of course I did not replace these .. even where the LPI data indicated a displacement of over 80 metres .. I regarded that as close enough for walking distance. One was tagged source survey .. but it is over the road in another building .. connected by a covered bridge .. left that one there too .. but added name.

Once completed I will go back over my obsolete:amenity entries to confirm that they are in fact obsolete ... I have noticed some exceptions due to the way the Ozie post web search operates. :-!


So once I finish .. then there are lots more to do.

Libraries, tourist offices, police stations for example.

If you want to do areas .. then parks, as in city/town parks?

For addresses then adding that to the major population centres streets would be helpfull.

What will I add next to the map?

From the LPI data .. something of use to me (i.e. none of the above :-) ).

For 'housekeeping' on the map? sport=football sport=multi and sport=hockey still annoy me but they have little impact on the map. Yet to clarify the city/town/hamlet problem for Australia... I need to work on the data, particularly the population data. Yes, I know some think that services is a better way .. but I still think that the population gives a very good indication and can be used as a primary iteration of the classification. And will identify those that need 'looking at'.

For the OSMwiki ..

Document sport=long_jump, tipple_jump, discus_throw and hammer_throw.

Clarify the words on the Australian tagging guide lines for 'access=no' problem, probably more important than the sports documentation?

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